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Posts: 1
Joined: 30.07.2009, 09:39
PostPosted: 30.07.2009, 09:53
Im trying to set up this guild website but im obviously having alot of trouble and confusion.. our guild doesnt use the dkp system we use epgp will that be a problem .. and is there a way for the website to automatically update itself with the raids and ep earned and ep spent on what items etc etc besides me makin to manually do it and keep track every day of everyones ep ... i have so many questions i just need to talk to somone who is familiar with this site to help me out.

Posts: 449
Joined: 08.05.2008, 07:46
PostPosted: 30.07.2009, 13:35
hi tehixion,

our system strongly depends on a working dkp-system.
Since your guild is using epgp we can only provide you with a community-platform like a portal-system and forums.

By the way:
Blizzard doesn't allow third-party-developers to handle live-dkp or any other communication with website or outside-applications (to prevent cheating)
so it's impossible to automatically update your website.

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