


Some more questions

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Posts: 6
Joined: 26.02.2007, 23:01
PostPosted: 02.03.2007, 14:27
The site is great but it looks a little too much "official wow site" so this is what I want too change

1. I have'nt found a obvious place to change the logo. where to I do that?

2. The background, where do I chande it? Dont like the image thats is there. Its hard to read text sometimes and too much wow :P I just want a black background for the whole site.

3. Is it possible to change the linkbar? I whould like to remove the claws (or maybe change whole bar)


If this cant be done by as an admin, is there anyway I can have this changes anyway?

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GildenDKP // Chef
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Location: Konstanz
PostPosted: 02.03.2007, 16:15

anything can be changed at the admin panel.

Just go to the extreme styles menu -> Styles Management -> edit templates

there you can edit anything you like.

Yours Jens

GildenDKP Admin

Posts: 6
Joined: 26.02.2007, 23:01
PostPosted: 02.03.2007, 19:46
OK, thanks :)

Emm, im know my way around html and a little about php.
I have taked a look at it and it dont make sense for me :/

Is there any guide for this things? Anyone have done it that can tell me how to do

I mean, is there any upload of logo's? or do I link logo from other location?
Cant find where the present logo is.
Do I have FTP access? Dont Have info that I have.

Sorry if I seams abit of a lamer :P but dont want to mess things up if I go crazy changing lots of stuff

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